Dresses of June 1794 from The Gallery of Fashion | |
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This is the third issue of the journal, Vol. I, no. 3. The volumes run from April to March. In this issue, there are two plates and two pages of description. Plate one features figures 10, 11, and 12 and is shown below in color. Plate 2 features figures 13 and 14 and is shown below in greyscale..
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Figures 10, 11, and 12 are shown on the left. This plate faces a page labelled "A Peep Into Kensington Gardens. Morning Dresses" which then gives descriptions of each of the three figures. Text taken from June 1794 issue is given below. Fig. X. |
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Figures 13 and 14 are shown on the left in a scan of a poor black and
white photocopy of the plate.
FIG. XIII. HEAD-DRESS. A chiffonet composed of salmon-coloured crape-gauze, with a bandeau of satin riband of the same colour, tied on the right side near the front in a small knot; upon the bandeau, a string of large beads. One salmon-coloured, and two white ostrich feathers, placed in the centre of the head-dress. Three diamond pins between the bandeau and the feathers. The hair lightly frizzed and thrown into ringlets; behind turned up in a plain chignon. Lawn petticoat, trimmed with a narrow flounce. Robe of white striped tiffany gauze, trimmed round the neck, and down the front with a silk narrow full fringe. Short sleeves, trimmed at the elbows with the same fringe. Small tiffany handkerchief put within the robe, and drawn together in the front with a diamond slider. Pearl necklace and ear-rings. Small medallion suspended by a string of small pearls. Salmon-coloured silk shoes. HEAD-DRESS. Chiffonet of book-muslin, fancifully mixed with the hair and tied behind in a bow, the two ends trimmed with fringe, and falling very low; upon the bandeau, a wreath of small roses. Two white feathers, the tips spotted with purple. The side hair frizzed into small curls, and the hair behind falling down in ringlets. Round gown of striped muslin, the train trimmed with a broad purple satin riband; short full sleeves, trimmed with lace; double plaiting of broad lace round the neck; tied in the front with a narrow purple riband. Sash a l'enfantine of purple satin riband. Purple ear-rings, and purple beads round the neck. Purple shoes trimmed with white. |
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