This is the seventh issue of the third volume (Vol III, no. 7). The volumes run from April
to March. In this issue, there are two plates and two pages of description. Plate one features figures
114 and 115 and is labelled "Morning Dresses." Plate two features
figures 116 and 117. It is labeled "Evening Dresses" and is shown below in greyscale.
Original Text reads as follows:
The toupee short, and frizzed in easy curls; the hind hair in ringlets. Bandeau of plain muslin, with
a bow in the front, and on the right side, crossed with green-striped riband. Dress of plain muslin;
a double flounce of the same, headed with green-striped riband; the body in small plaits, trimmed
round the neck with lace and riband: short sleeves, with epaulettes trimmed with silk cord and lace.
Gold ear-rings. Yellow gloves and shoes.
The hair in ringlets; a small cap with a double border of broad lace; white chip hat, trimmed with
lilac riband. Round gown of plain thick muslin, short sleeves, trimmed with narrow lace. Light
yellow silk shawl, with a coloured border. Grey coloured gloves. Yellow shoes.
The toupee dressed in easy curls; the hind hair turned up plain, the ends returned in ringlets.
Chiffonet of muslin, with full plaiting of lace, the ends falling on the left side, crossed with
rose-coloured riband, with a bow in the front; one white and one yellow ostrich feather placed very
low behind. Petticoat of clear muslin, embroidered in colours, trimmed with broad lace and satin
riband. Robe of clear muslin trimmed with lace, and a broad white satin riband crossed with rose-
coloured velvet; short sleeves, trimmed in four parts with lace; chemise tucker. A string of pearls
falling from the ear-rings under the chin. White gloves and shoes.
The toupee in a light friz, plain chignon, a wreath of oak intermixed in the hair. Round gown of
light-blue figured muslin; short full sleeves, tied in the middle. Queen Elizabeth's ruff of broad lace.
White satin girdle. Pearl ear-rings. Two strings of beads round the neck. White gloves and shoes.
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