Dresses of May 1794 from The Gallery of Fashion

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This is the second issue of the journal, Vol. I, no. 2. The volumes run from April to March. In this issue, there are two plates and two pages of description. Plate one features figures 5 and 6 and is shown below in color. Plate 2 features figures 7, 8, and 9 and is shown below in grayscale with an enlarged detail.

Figures 5 and 6

Doris Langley Moore's The Gallery of Fashion 1790-1822 from Plates by Heideloff and Ackermann with Introduction by Sacheverell Sitwell and Notes on the Plates by Doris Langley Moore (Batsford Colour Books. London: B.T. Batsford, 1949) describes these dresses as: "(Left), Round gown of clear lawn with cherry-colored sash. (Right), Muslin spotted with silver and headdress a la Turque ... One of the most graceful and Grecian in effect of Heideloff's figure drawings. Conspicuous again, is his skillful employment of his favourite red. The headdresses are carefully and beautifully delineated and all that is missing is the metallic blue of the necklaces. The dress with the long cherry-coloured sash is a round gown of clear lawn. The other is of muslin spotted with silver, and is worn with a headdress à la Turque" (12).

Figures 7 (left), 9 (center), and 8 (right). Figure 7 is described as in "petticoat of white lawn with a narrow flounce of the same. The robe à la Turque, of dove-coloured peeling satin, bound with a narrow white riband." Figure 8 is in "A round gown of muslin, with an embroidered border; short loose sleeves, tied in the middle with two strings of green beads ..." Figure 9 is in "Chemise of white lawn, trimmed round the neck and at the ends with lace."
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