Dresses of March | |
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This is the twelfth issue of the second volume (Vol II, no. 12). The volumes run from ApriltoMarch. In this issue, there are two plates and two pages of description. Plate one features figures 88 and89and is labelled "Morning Dresses." Plate 1 is shown below in greyscale.Plate 2 features figure 90 and is labelled "Evening Dress."
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Woman and Child's Morning-WalkingDress. | Detail of woman's head. The woman is wearing a turban on this walk. |
Detail of child's outfit. The little girl is wearing a spencer and a small helmet-like bonnet.The original text reads as follows: FIG. LXXXVIII. The hair in small curls, plain chignon. Cottage cap of fine muslin, tied under the chin, trimmedwith lace and white satin ribands. Petticoat of muslin, richly embroidered at the bottom. Spencer of maroon satin, plain, or blue cape, trimmed with lace. Muslinneck handkerchief. Fur muff. Red morocco slippers. The front hair combed short upon the forehead; the side hair dressed in curls, and the hind hair turned up plain. Highland bonnet, made of gold foil and carmelite-colouured satin, the ends trimmed with a gold fringe;two carmelite-coloured, and five, six, or seven black feathers, placed in the front and at the top Plain muslin petticoat. Straw-coloured chintz gown, cape, and lappels of carmelite-coloured satin, long sleeves. Muslin neck handkerchief, trimmed with lace. Double ruff of lace round the neck. Gold ear-rings. Jonquille gloves and shoes. [These descriptions were copied almost exactly in the February 1796 issue of The Lady's Magazine.] Turban of orange-coloured satin; gold and silver spangled bandeau; the hair (with or without powder) drawn through in different parts of the turban; the hind hair turned up short and plain; the ends returned and formed into a large curl at the top of the head; one salmon- coloured, and one white ostrich feather, with several diamonds placed in the front. White satin petticoat. Robe of orange-coloured crape, scollopped and trimmed round the neck with lace; short sleeves, equally scaollopped. Sash of white satin riband, tied at the right side, the ends trimmed with a gold and silver fringe. Large pearl ear-rings. Diamond necklace. Large gold upper bracelets. White gloves and shoes. [This description waw copied almost exactly in the |
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