Dresses of November 1796 from The Gallery of Fashion

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This is the eighth issue of the third volume (Vol III, no. 8). The volumes run from April to March. In this issue, there are two plates and two pages of description. Plate one features figures 118 and 119 and is labelled "Morning Dresses." Plate two features figures 120. It is labeled "Afternoon Dress." It is shown below in greyscale.

Original Text reads as follows:
The toupee frizzed full in the front, and combed straight on the sides; the hind hair in ringlets; part of the toupee and part of the hind hair drawn through a string of coquelicot beads on the crown of the head. Round dress of fine India calico; short sleeves; trimmed with a chintz border; small cape upon the shoulder, trimmed with narrow lace. Broad lace tucker. Gold hoop-and-ring ear-rings. Coquelicot coloured shoes. Light blue gloves.
The front hair combed straight; the hind hair in ringlets. Cabriolet bonnet of gray silk, trimmed with a purple and coquelicot coloured riband. Round dress of fine calico, the train scolloped; push-up sleeves; double plaiting of lace round the neck. Plain muslin cloak, trimmed with a printed lawn border; double cape of the same. Gold hoop-and-ring ear-rings. Green shoes and gloves.

The hair frizzed loose en colimaçon, the hind hair formed into a double chignon. Three bandeaux of coquelicot riband, tied into small bows in the front. Round dress of plain fine muslin, spotted with silver, and trimmed at the bottom with a silver fringe headed with a coquelicot riband; short close sleeves, trimmed with silver lace. Handkerchief within the dress, laced up the breast with silver cord, and fastened with a diamond buckle. Silver girdle. Two strings of pearls round the neck, with small medallions in the middle. Diamond ear-rings. White shoes and gloves.

To See More Dresses from The Gallery of Fashion

April 1794 May 1794 June 1794 July 1794
August 1794 September 1794 October 1794 November 1794
December 1794 January 1795 February 1795 March 1795
April 1795 May 1795 June 1795 October 1795
December 1795 February 1796 March 1796 June 1796
July 1796 August 1796 September 1796 October 1796
November 1796 December 1796 Dresses, 1797 Dresses, 1798
Dresses, 1799 Dresses, 1800

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