Laudermilk, Sharon, and Teresa L. Hamlin. The Regency Companion. New York: Garland, 1989.
Laudermilk and Hamlin claim the magazine was "Edited by a `Society of Ladies'" and ran from 1798 to 1832 (33). The University of California at Santa Barbara, however, informs us in their library catalogue that the publication ceased in 1828.
To confuse matters, libraries often file the magazine under variant titles leaving out either "Lady's" or "Ladies" or "Monthly." Even more confusing is the fact that later American periodicals used similar names.
The volumes are numbered by the half year, running from January to June and July to December. They usually had one plate per month, although the journal experimented widely, sometimes having two plates. Many of the plates were only slightly varied from the previous month's plates of more expensive and classier journals like Ackermann's Repository or La Belle Assemblee. Some issues include about one sentence of fashion description, other have four to five pages of complex fashion commentary. The journal was unable to consistently employ the same engraver, and sometimes even apologized for the poor quality of the prints. One thing the journal did to save money was combine fashions to be worn at different times of the day to different sort of events together in one plate. Thus the plates often have a sort of disjointed look, for one women frequently looks inappropriately dressed for the setting (holding a parasol indoors for instance).