The Lady's Magazine, or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, Appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement, 1801

Volume XXXII for the Year 1801

London: G. G and J. Robinson, No. 25, Pater-noster Row.

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June 1801


(Court Dresses from pages 300-4)

HER MAJESTY. Petticoat of a rich silver taffety, with a drapery and sash of fine British net, ornamented with broad fine Valenciennes lace and brown ribbon. The mantua of silver taffety, with Valenciennes lace, &c. to correspond. On each side over the pocket-holes of the petticoat was a bunch of brown ribbons. In the centre of each there was a large rose of diamonds, about two inches and a half diameter. From hence a beautiful brilliant chain of net-work of diamonds; also two large dropping bands of beautiful diamonds, with two large tassels of the same. Close to the pocket on the left side was placed a large diamond knot, at least eight inches diameter; and on the right, below the drapery, a knot of diamonds, equally as large, to correspond. The drapery of the petticoat, which formed a beautiful rose, was looped up with wreaths of diamonds and several rows of roses of large brilliants. In the centre was placed a large plume of diamonds, forming the prince of Wales's crest, and appeared to be eight inches long, and three wide. At the bottom of the plume, a fine crescent of diamonds; ner the top on the right side, was a chain of diamonds of considerable length, with rosettes of fine brilliants, and the drapery finely interwoven with beautiful brilliants of rosettes of a considerable size; the drapery looped up with chains of diamonds.


(With an Engraving elegantly coloured.)

[Text is on page 322-3.]

THE most fashionable ball-dress is either the round tunic, after the Russian manner (as in the engraving), or the Grecian, with points.

The success of the colour, yellow, is not yet fully established, though the white and the rose, which have reigned so long, have no longer the same vogue.

Straw hats, à la Babet, and à la Lisbeth, with a corner of the toquet appearing below, are worn. The head-dress in hair still holds to the antique. The capotes are white crape, or gauze, corresponding in shape. Within the last eight days we observe round hats, of white taffeta, open behind, and trimmed above the opening with three rows of hollow plaits, in form of a ruff, with a large knot of white taffeta on the front. About the same length of time we also notice undress bonnets of white crape, of a round shape, with a broad ribbon tied under the chin, and another ribbon in front, in wolf's teeth. In half-dress they wear cloaks open at the edges, or trimmed with lace; but chemise handkerchiefs are more common. Long muslin gloves are preferred to skin.

White satin hats are now the most fashionable for full dress. Of these some are made to resemble the head-dresses of uncovered hair; others are in the fashion of the rounded straw hats. They are ornamented with smooth feathers.

Straw hats are still worn in half-dress.

The favourite head-dresses are of argandis, [sic ?organdis?] or crape, covering the hair, and fastened with gold or silver bandelets. The richest of these are, at the bottom, embroidered with tinsel. Some have a veil, which falls upon the left shoulder.

Some of the robes are of sky-blue crape. Others are black, or rose-coloured; the greater number are white. The backs of the robes, extremities of the sleeves, and the borders of the shawls, are adorned with radiations. The girdles are crossed on the back.

Endeavours are made, in different parts of France, to bring silks again into fashion, in preference to muslins.

The oblong head-dress in crape, with silver fillets, still continues in vogue. Yellow straw hats, with satin-puckered backs, are worn in half-dress. The negligé cap is still the ton in dishabille. Our elegantes sport the robe sleeve, mostly plain in the work, but enriched with variegated embroidery. Les fichus chemises, ornamented in a similar manner, are in general requisition. The ribbons form a perfect rose in the crown of the hat. Very few flowers or feathers are now worn. Tinsel and light embellishments are the rage. The trains of the robe are superbly embroidered.

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