Le Beau Monde, or Literary and Fashionable Magazine, 1806-1810

Volume I, No. 9 July, 1807

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This number contained three embellishments: (1) "Portrait of His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester"; (2) "Beautifully coloured Costumes for Ladies and Gentlemen"; and (3) "An Original Piece of Music; the Worlds by a celebrated Poet, and the Music by Corri, the Author of the Travellers.." The contents include as headings: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ILLUSTRIOUS MEN; HISTORY, STATE OF SOCIETY AND MANNERS; ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS; REVIEW OF LITERATURE; ORIGINAL POETRY; FINE ARTS; PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS FOR MAY [sic]; RETROSPECT OF POLITICS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1807; MONTHLY MISCELLANIES; AND LE BEAU MONDE. Under each heading is listed the various articles or subheadings.

Le Beau Monde for July 1807
Volume I, Number 9, page 516
Fashions for July, 1807

Fig. No. 1.--An Eygptian Costume.-- The head-dress is composed of a rich handkerchief of white lace, which crosses the back part of the head; each corner of the handkerchief, a small distance from the shoulder, falls on the front of the neck; the handkerchief is trimmed round with a magnificient border of peals, and each corner is finished with a bunch of the same; the hair is curled on the top of the forehead with small thick curls, separated with a band of diamonds, which crosses the forehead, and continues round the head; two small curls down the side of the face. A rich white figured sarsnet dress made with a short trian, and scollope back; sleeves very short and covered with a broad flap of white lace; the undersleeve is trimmed round with small French pearls; also the lace, which is fastend to the back part of the sarsnet sleeve with a star of pearls; the front is made full each way, and covered with rich lace fastened in the centre with a star to correspond with the sleeves. An Egyptian trian of lilac spider net, showered with pearls, and worked in the centre with a large star of the same, cut in the form of a half handkerchief, wider a one end than at the other; one end is cut square, and gathered up full on the left shoulder with a pearl star; a piece of sarsnet, from under the left arm, richly ornamented, crosses the front, and is fastened with the middle corner of the train to the right knee with a bunch of pearls; the other corner, which reaches to the bottom of the dress, is finished with a large pearl tassel; the dress and train are trimmed round with pearls to correspond. White kid gloves and shoes.

Fig. No. 2.--A Morning Walking Dress. A short gown and coat of fine jaconet msulin, edged with a broad border of patent work, made high in the neck with deep standing collar, trimmed with narrow band of patent work to correspond.

Fig. No. 4.--Carriage Dress.--Plain muslin gown made with a short train, and enriched with a broad point lace across the front, and reaches to the extreme edge, which is finished with a narrow border of cotton plait; the bck of the gown in made rather high and full, drawn with ribband top and bottom; the fornt of the waist is fluted very full into a narrow band of rich point lace, about an inch in breadth, and is fastened into the apron of the gown, tied behind with a knotted sash of muslin, and inlet at the bottom of the ends of the sash with point lace to correspond with the dress; long full sleeves of white lace.

Fig. No. 3.--Morning Walking Dresses. Light mixed, brown, or nut-coloured mixed coats, either double or single breasted, with collar of the same; covered buttons, or a full sized plated button, are much worn, as also some greenish mixtures; but the most fashionable morning coat is of a light mixed cloth, made single or double breasted, to button two or three buttons over the chest, and then to fly off in the [page break, page 517] skirts. These coats should not have any pocket flaps.

Court Dress of Princess Charlotte, June 1807
from page 518

A pink and silver slip, with a beautiful Brussels lace frock to wear over it, and a pink and silver girdle.

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