Le Beau Monde, or Literary and Fashionable Magazine, 1806-1810

Volume I, No. 5 March, 1807

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This number contained three plates: (1) "Portrait of His late Royal Highness, Prince William Henry, Duke of Gloucester"; (2) "Beautifully coloured Morning Dresses for Ladies and Gentlemen"; and (3) "A Modern Curricle." The contents include as headings: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ILLUSTRIOUS MEN, HISTORY, STATE OF SOCIETY AND MANNERS, ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, REVIEW OF LITERATURE, ORIGINAL POETRY, FINE ARTS, PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS FOR FEBRUARY, RETROSPECT OF POLITICS FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1807, MISCELLANIES, AND LE BEAU MONDE. Under each heading is listed the various articles or subheadings.

Text of Fashion Description [pages 299-300]
Fig. No. 1.A MORNING WALKING DRESS, for Gentlemen is composed of a dark brown superfine cloth great coat, ends of the collar in the front cut into a heart; dark blue under coat only visible in front; toillinette waistcoat blue striped with a white and yellow ground, fawn coloured pantaloons, and half boots.

Fig. No. 2. AN ELEGANT WALKING DRESS, is a straw gypsy hat, tied down with a white silk or a rich half lace handkerchief; a muslin gown, ornamented with knotted work crossing the shoulder to correspond with the bottom of the dress. The body is made quite plain to draw round the bosom, and fulled in the back to imitate the frock waist, with a light yellow sarsnet or camel hair scarf, richly drapered at the ends with various colours; the scarf is worn so that the dress may be exposed, tastefully tied with a careless knot in front. Lilac gloves and half boots made of kid, a beautiful white down muff, adds much to the elegance and splendour of this much admired Walking Spring Dress.

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