Le Beau Monde, or Literary and Fashionable Magazine, 1806- 1810

Volume I, No. 4 February, 1807

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This number contained three plates: (1) "Portrait of His Royal Highness the Duke of York"; (2) "Beautifully coloured Evening Dresses for Ladies and Gentlemen"; and (3) "An elegant Piece of Parisian Furniture, Madame Recamier's Bed." The contents include as headings: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ILLUSTRIOUS MEN, HISTORY, STATE OF SOCIETY AND MANNERS, ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, REVIEW OF LITERATURE, POETRY, FINE ARTS, PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS FOR JANUARY, RETROSPECT OF POLITICS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1807, MISCELLANIES, AND LE BEAU MONDE. Under each heading is listed the various articles or subheadings.

NEW! Larger, more detailed image of this plate from Henry Churchyard!

Text of Fashion Description [pages 239-240]
Fig. No. 1.AN EVENING FULL DRESS, for Gentlemen is composed of a dark double-breasted blue coat, ornamented with basket or plain gilt metal buttons; the coat made lapelled, and with pocket flaps at the side, but the pockets put in the plaits behind.--A white quilting marseilles waistcoat, single-breasted; the collar to rise tolerably high, and a small portion of the waistcoat to be seen below the lapell of the coat.--Breeches, of white or drab kerseymere, inclining to fawn colour, with a silk string at the knee and four covered buttons; white silk stockings, and shoes with buckles.

Fig. No. 2. AN EVENING FULL DRESS, Of rich Italian ermine sarsnet, worn over a soft white satin petticoat, let in with a gold net at the bottom, terminating at the extreme edge with a narrow fringe of fold; the back of the dress is cut low and square; the front of the vest is ore quite plain, so as to form the shape of the bosom; a gold net fastened in the center with a broach, confines one side of the breast, passing under the left arm, terminates at the corner of the right shoulder: soft white satin sleeves, carelessly caught up with antique broaches, trimmed with swansdown to correspond with the remainder part of the dress. True elegance ordains the hair to waver in loose ringlets down the side of the face; a few loose bows at the top of the head; a gold net veil blended with the hair, fastened on one side so as to cover part of the hair, is worn with this dress. Two long irregular curls fall on the left shoulder. White kid gloves, black silk shoes, terminate the whole of the dress.

Detail of the plate. The couple here is charming. The man is dressed quite sexy with his extremely tight breeches that provocatively reveal a good deal of his, figure, shall we say. The stockings also reveal a gorgeous leg.

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