This is the sixth issue of the third volume (Vol III, no. 6). The volumes run from April
to March. In this issue, there are two plates and two pages of description. Plate one features figures
111 and 112 and is labelled "Morning Dresses." It is shown below in
greyscale. Plate two features
figure 113. It is labeled "Ranelagh, Italian Dress" and is shown below in greyscale.

Original Text reads as follows:
The toupee short and straight; the hind hair turned up plain, the ends returned and formed into a
ringlet on each side the neck. [sic] Bonnet of dove-coloured silk, formed into a hat, trimmed with
broad lace and white silk riband, tied under the chin with the same. Veil of blue gauze. Round gown
of embroidered muslin; short full sleeves, drawn and plaited on the shoulders. Blue silk hankerchief.
Grey coloured gloves. Yellow shoes.
The toupee cut short and combed straight, plain chignon; cap of clear muslin, the cawl drawn behind
into the form of a rose, trimmed with a double border of lace, broad green striped riband, forming
a large bow in the front and behind; lappet of plaited muslin round the chin. Round gown of thick
muslin, with a narrow plaiting of lace round the neck; narrow pink riband tied loosely round the
neck. Sash of green striped riband. Cloak of thin muslin, trimmed with the same. Necklace of large
beads. Yellow gloves and shoes.

Italian Dress. The hair round the face in easy curls, white silk net adorned with tassels,
trimmed and tied under the chin with white satin riband; chignon within the net. Corset and petticoat
of white taffeta, trimmed with silver cords, and at the bottom with deep Vandyke scollops of rose-
coloured satin; short sleeves trimmed with lace; puffs and epaulettes of rose-coloured satin. Double
plaiting of broad lace round the neck. Large gold hoop ear-rings and chain. White gloves and
shoes, embroidered with silver.
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