The Lady's Magazine, or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, Appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement, 1809Volume XL for the Year 1809London: G. Robinson, No. 25, Paternoster Row. |
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July 1809
[Text from page 304.]
1. A SHORT walking dress of plain India muslin, or cambric, worked round the bottom in an elegant antique border, and finished with a worked front and collar round the throat.
August 1809
[Image not available; text from page 329.]
1. A LONG train dress of white crape, or muslin, spotted with silver; the sleeves puckered or laid in plaits, and confined with a silver band. [Head]Dress, that of jonquil-figured sarcenet, fasstened with a band under the chin, and bow on the left side. Shoes of white spotted silk. Kid gloves.
2. White spotted sarcenet petticoat, trimmed round the bottom with French trimming; a short vest of pink crape, or muslin, made to wrap over from each side, and trimmed also with French trimming. Sleeves of rich joining lace. Hair dressed à la Grec, ornamented in front with a pink flower, fastened with silver. White kid shoes and gloves.
September 1809
(With an Engraving elegantly coloured.)
[Image not available; text from page 417.]
A TRAIN dress of white sarcenet, ornamented round the front with a rich lace let in to the bottom; entire front of footing and lace; sleeves of the same, intermixed with white sarcenet.
October 1809
Frontispiece of October Issue, "The false Accuser detected."
[Text from page 465.]
1. A SHORT train dress of jacanot cambric or muslin; over the dress a short pelisse made of rich shot sarcenet, trimmed round the bottom with a broad white lace; the sleeves short and slashed, high collar, edged with a shell lace; bonnet to match, ornamented with a long ostrich feather; purple velvet shoes, and York tan gloves.
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