The Lady's Magazine, or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, Appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement, 1801Volume XXXII for the Year 1801London: G. G and J. Robinson, No. 25, Pater-noster Row. | |
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October 1801
(With an Engraving elegantly coloured.)
[Text is on page 539.]
THE two head-dresses for full dress are the oblong head-dress ornamented with little silver fillets called Chefs, and the veil laid flat on the head, and ever so little pinched up before, showing under the pinch either a diamond crescent, a rose, an aigrette, or sometimes a plume.
Sky-blue and rose are the most common colours for the Florence capotes, and muslin or crape robes.
White robes with silver spots, and tunics with points in like manner, sprinkled with silver spots or stars, are still worn. Long trains are also in vogue; but with respect to long waists the fashion seems undetermined, though there is no brilliant assemblage of fashionable company in which we do not see many of them.
Flowers are little worn, and then only in a bunch--the colour crimson. In jewellery the cornelian is the fashionable stone of the day. It is used in collars, ear-rings, bracelets, and seals. The collars, of the newest taste have a large oval plate in cornelian hanging from a short chain of elastic meshes of gold.
Veils constitute the principal part of most head-dresses. For full dress they are left entirely to the taste of the coiffeur, who, with the assistance of chefs, or silver ribbons, forms them into oblong turbans. A great many élégantes use ribons of unpolished silver, in the place of chefs. In half dress the veils are worn down, ô la religieuse. Upon many of the most elegant headdresses we observe an aigrette of hair, fastened with a pin. Black crape hats and black tunics are still in fashion. In general, rose is the [from page 540] prevailing colour. The robes of the newest taste are cut ô la Psyche. The ribbons are very narrow striped, and of very lively colours. The cambric bonnets are all the fashion for the morning; they are trimmed with gold, like the Spencers.
The collar of the gentlemen's coats in extraordinarily narrow.
A Round dress of thick white muslin; a pellisse of cambric muslin trimmed all round; long sleeves. A bonnet of buff silk, trimmed with purple ribbons.
A round dress of white muslin drawn close round the throat, with a double frill; long sleeves. A green handkercheif tied carelessly round the neck. A straw hat turned up in front, and trimmed with green ribbons.
A black silk hat turned up in front, with a full crown, and ornamented with black feathers.
A white muslin bonnet, trimmed and tied under the chin with white ribbon.
A straw hat turned up before, and lined with blue; blue ostrich feathers in front.
A bonnet of dark green silk, two ostrich feathers of the same colour placed in front to fall contrary ways; a bow of green, edged with white, on the left side.
A bonnet of pea-green or other coloured silk, tied under the chin, and ornamented with white feathers.
The most fashionable colours are buff, scarlet, and blue, for flowers and feathers. --White dresses are the most prevalent.
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