Sultana Costume or Turkish Masquerade Dress

See also a real pair of Women's Turkish Slippers, c. 1798-1806.

The April, 1794 Issue of The Gallery of Fashion features in Fig. 2 a "The Turk, or cresent cap, made of Italian gauze, turned round the head-piece in folds, the ends terminating behind."

The May, 1794 Issue of The Gallery of Fashion features in Fig. 6 "Head-dress a la Turque." Fig. 7 features a "robe à la Turque, of dove-coloured peeling satin."

In Mary Ann Hanway's 1798 Ellinor, the villainess goes to the masquerade as a sultana.

Angelica Kauffman's Morning Amusement, c. 1773 (privately owned)

John Singleton Copley's Mrs. Tomas Gage 1771 (held by the Timken Museum of Art, see their comments on this image for more information on the painting.)

Special Exhibit On Turkish Fashion in 18th-Century America at the Timken!

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