Le Beau Monde, or Literary and Fashionable Magazine, 1806-1810

Volume 4, No. 26 For September, 1808

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Vol. 4, No. 26

Fashions for September, 1808
(from page 140)

Fig. No. 1.--Promenade Costume.--An Indian muslin dress, with flat satin springs, made high in the back, and brought in a horizontal line round the bosom; it has a hanging collar sewed on to the back and fastened in the front with an antique broach. The sleeves are long and full á l'eveque, vandyked at the wrist, and the dress is also vandyked round the bottom, and in a double row round the waist. The hair is dressed in easy flowing curls, with a vandyked bandeau of fawn coloured satin, placed negligently over the left brow, and ornamented with a wreath of variegated flowers, intersperesed with jessamine. Such is the costume at the breakfact table, but when preparing for the promenade, the library, or the race ground, the elegante calls for her Valencia cap and cloak; these two articles of dress are in one, and in a style novel and unique; the cap or hood, resemblin in shape the cowl of the Order of St. Dominic, is of green lace net, worked with white stripes, with the collar coming on each side of the neck, to this is attached the cloak of green pelong satin, with a vandyke border, edged with narrow white point lace; the tout ensemble of this bizarre and romantic dress, gives a bewitching interest to the fair wearer, and pleases the fancies of the surrounding beaux in recollecting that although their fair companions wear the cowl, they have not yet taken the veil. Shoes high heeled, and of pea-green, the gloves are of straw coloured kid.

Fig. No. 2.--Evening Full Dress.--This dress which for elegance and interest has never yet been exceded, is the Pyrenean robe and tunic of sky-blue sarsnet, over a blue soft satin slip. The robe and tunic have each an Etruscan border, worked on broad white satin, or the border may be enriched with Moresque and Arabesque ornaments according to fancy; the border of the robe is surmounted with an easy flowing wreath of the grape vine worked in dark shades, which, to the eye of taste, gracefully unites the variegated extremity with the broad mass of blue in the robe itself. The tunic is open behind, but fastened with a range of shell clasps, forming a border á la pelerine, in allusion to the costume of the romantic ages, when the enthusiastic females of the northern disctricts of Spain traversed the gloomy chain of the Pyrennes in their holy pilgrimages. The back of the tunic is full and drawn to the form round the bosom, the sleeves are short and plain, bordered in the Etruscan or Moresque stile, and seamed in open work, the edge of the bosom is also bordered to correspond with the other parts of the dress. Over this is a most superb drapery of rich point lace, studded with stars, or interspersed with sprigs agreeable to fancy; with a rich fancy-worked border, and is thrown over the shoulder, hanging negligently behind, whist the ends are brought forward and gracefully twined round the arm, or drawn carelessly across the form with a piquante and irresistible simplicity. The hair is dressed á l'Espagnole, with a wreath of flowers interwoven; and the shoes are of blue satin.

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