Volume 2, No. 14 For November, 1807 | |
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Fig. No. 3.--Carriage Full Dress. A rich Cardinal cloak, composed of white satin, stamped with small blue flowers, ornamented round the edge with an Egyptian border of the same, enriched with a superb Hungarian fur trimming. This cloak is made similar to that of a loose drapery worn over the head and shoulders, carelessly caught back between the neck and the shoulder, which forms a hood on one side, and continues to hang in loose drapery down the other, with one corner rounded off small, and held in the hand. A plain India muslin dress made all in one and straight over the bosom; a square back drawn round the throat and at the bottom of the waist with bunches of white sarsnet ribbon; the neck of the dress is enriched round the throat with a Vandyke lace, ornamented round the bottom with three rows of hem- stitch richly worked; long loose sleeves confined round the wrist with coral bracelets; neck-lace and ear-rings to correspond; the hair is worn on the left side of the forehead in a thick cluster of small plaits, and large flat curls on the other side of the face; gloves blue kid; and shoes of blue satin.
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