Lady's Monthly Museum, February 1813

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Lady's Monthly Museum (1813)
For FEBRUARY, 1813.

The Dresses invented by Mrs.Osgood, of Lower Brook Street.
[From page 106]

WE shall leave to our contemporaries, whose number of pages and exorbitant prices, allow them room for extracts from old newspapers, detailed and visionary ideas of female drapery and notices of dress, often chimerical and incapable of adoption. We trust that we shall always consider the adornment of the mind superior to that of the body; nevertheless we have ever presented our subscribers with fashions of the newest pattern, not such as shall violate the laws of propriety and decorum, but such as shall assist the smile of good humour, and give an additional charm to the carriage of benevolence. Economy ought to be the order of the day, not that economy which cheats the honest and pains-taking work-women of their hire; we are not either candidates for amateur shoe-making, or any other employment that may rob the poor man of his right; but we mean that economy which only deprives the wealthy and dashing shopkeeper of those enormous profits which leave the fair little to give to the supplications of charity.

Morning Dress--A fine kerseymere pelisse, of pale fawn or drab colour, lined with pink silk, trimmed with fur, and frogs en militaire; black regent's hat and feather; gown of white muslin.

Evening Dress of white satin, with Russian boddice of blue satin, fastened in front with diamonds; the front of the gown let in with blue, the same as the boddice in demi-lozenge. White gloves and shoes.

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