The Ladies' Pocket Magazine (1824)
The Ladies' Toilet.
[From page 176, image shown above] PRIVATE CONCERT DRESS.--Fock of
tulle over blush-coloured satin, with two broad flounces of blond, each headed by pink satin
rouleaux. Corsage of white satin, with falling tucker of blonde; pink sash with long ends.
The hair parted from the forehead, à la Madonna, and terminated on each side of the
face with flowing ringlets, like the portraits painted by Vandyck, and crowned with small bouquets
of flowers. Ear-rings of pearls; white satin shoes, and white kid gloves.
[image not shown] CARRIAGE DRESS. --Pelisse of high dress of gros de Naples, of a
beautiful spring green, finished round the border by two wadded rouleaux, and the bust
ornamented by Brandenburgh tassel buttons on each side, without straps.