The Ladies' Pocket Magazine (1824)
The Ladies' Toilet.
[From page 177] EVENING DRESS.-- [shown above] Dress of amber-coloured satin,
trimmed with bananas, [no, I'm not joking] in white crape, at the border, mixed with full-blown
roses: beaneath these ornaments are puffings of tulle, each puff confined by straps of white
satin and silk cordon, and on each side of the puffing is a wadded rouleau of amber satin;
the corsage formed in the Greek style, by a chicorée trimming of crape, placed down
each side of the bust in front, à la antique.
CARRIAGE DRESS.--Pelisse of salmon-coloured gros de Naples, simply finished round the
border, and down the front, with a broad double-wadded rouleau.