The Lady's Magazine, or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, Appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement, 1810Volume XLI for the Year 1810London: G. Robinson, No. 25, Paternoster Row. | |
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August 1810
[Scan and text courtesy of Ko Oosterwijk; Text from pages 353-4.]
1. MORNING Dress.--White Indian muslin; high front and collar, edged with lace, and confined with silk buttons from the throat to the feet. A yellow silk pelisse trimmed with broad white lace, and lined with pink sarscenet. [from page 354] Woodland straw bonnet, with yellow and pink feather. A cottage cap of lace, ornamented with an articial white rose. Pink sandal shoes; with yellow kid gloves.
2. Evening Dress.--A White frock of French cambric, with short plain sleeves. A long scarf of light blue silk; a turban composed of the same, and white satin. Jewels, sappire, and gold. Gloves and shoes of white kid.
SEVERE domestic misfortunes compelled Clara Yarington to leave her parents, and endeavour to procure a maintenance as a dependant in the dwelling of the great. Clara had received an education far superiod to her present cricumstances in the world. She had been accustomed to every comfort; had been reared with the expectation of having, at a future day, a genteel independence; therefore, now at the age of twenty-two, to be cast destitute on the world, was more distressing than language can descrie. Deprived of every chance of ever attaining what she had thought was too securely hers ever [sic ?even] to be risked, broken-hearted, she knelt at the feet of her mother, and implored her consent to let her go to the metropolis, to endeavour to provide for herself without incumbering her aged parent any longer, who had many younger ties that commanded, from their inability, support and protection. Tears rolled down the pale face of Mrs. Yarington--' And must we part, my Clara, my child?' said she; 'shall the eldest ofspring of my banished husband be doomed to experience the caprices, the nugovernable [sic ungovernable] tyranny of those whom unkind fate may place her with; far, far from her mother, who lives but in her presence. Dependence, my Clara, to an enlightened mind, is galling; the ties that bind you is [sic] insupportable. Dependence and Clara Yarington, will, I am too surely convinced, never agree.'
September 1810
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