The Lady's Magazine, or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, AppropriatedSolelyto Their Use and Amusement, 1790Volume XXI for the Year 1790London: G. G. J. and J. Robinson, No. 25, Pater-noster Row. |
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January 1790
The frontispiece shows a male angle offering a bound volume of the Lady's Magazine to twowomen seated on thrones in Greek costumes with helmets, spears, and one shield and one breast-plate. A lion and lots of books lie on the floor. A woman in contemporary dress stands meeklybeside the angle. The issue contains no fashion plates but does discuss the big court event of themonth.
Account of the principal LADIES' DRESSES on the QUEEN'S BIRTH-DAY at St. James's
(from page 40)
The court was more than commonly splendid, and the nobility seemed to vie with each other in thetaste, richness, and elegance of their dresses.
Wore a white petticoat embroidered with stripes of coquelicot and white velvet, edged withfine blond lace, spots of coquelicot's [sic] and white ... formed an ornament between each stripe. The body and train were white coquelicot and brown ... Her head-dress was composed of fine blond,with ribbons to correspond with the other parts of her dress.--As usual on her own birth-day, she didnot appear in her best diamonds,--She wore a stomacher with diamond buttons, and had a few in herhair.
Princess ROYAL,
Whose native dignity and benevolent countenance add lustre to any dress, looked beautifullysplendid on the occasion. She was dresssed in a petticoat of white crape, most superbly embroideredwith wreaths of laurel leaves, on a running pattern of purple foil, divided by an embroidery of whiteand gold, in cross stripes--the bottom was flounced with a very rich gold tassel fringe, mixed withcoloured foil. The body and train were a gold sattin spotted with green. The toute ensembleformed an appearance magnificently rich. Her royal highness, as well as her two [from page 41]sisters wore his majesty's picture, ... round with diamonds.
Princess AUGUSTA.
A crape petticoat, embroidered in stripes with green foil leaves: between the stripes were medallionsof blue foil with gold spangles, and a rich flounce at the bottom, the same as the princess royal's. The body and train were of gold sattin.
Excepting that the embroidery was purple and green, had a dress similar to that of the princessAugusta.
Duchess of RICHMOND.
A buff and green velvet mantua trimmed with fringe, and petticoat of the same, with flounces and
rich gold fringe.
Marchioness of SALISBURY.
A striped velvet mantua, the seams covered with embroidery, and joined with crape embroideryin stripes, and rich spangled crape. Her ladyship looked peculiarly [sic] elegant.
(from page 44)
A green and gold spotted mantua, with a white satin petticoat trimmed with embroidered crape toanswer the ground, the drapery drawn up with freen and silver bow, embroidered with stone, andelegant gold tassels.Miss DAMER.
A dress in every respect like Miss Jefferies.
Train and petticoat of green and white striped satin, ornamented with crape and gold fringe.
In a dress suited to her age and person--conspicuously antique, to set modern elegance at difiance.Her ladyship had on a coquelicot satin, flounced all over, and marked with very borad stripes ofsable, gloomy as the view from Mount Edgecumb to Polvrin in hazyweather.
Was determined that no muscle should contract itself into risibility at her expence this day, as it didon a former occasion by the juvenile fancy of her dress; and therefore she very wisely remained athome, saving her credit as an old woman, and her money likewise.
February 1790
This issue contains no fashion plates or descriptions but did contain an embroidery pattern.
March 1790
This issue contained a "new Pattern for working a Handkerchief or Apron."
April 1790
This issue contained "A New Pattern for working a Gown, Petticoat, or Apron."
June 1790
This issue contained "An new Pattern for working a Cloak, Gown, Petticoat, &c. &c." It also hada copper plate labelled "A beautiful historical Picture of the Fatal Deception." "The Fatal Deception.A Tale" appeared on pages 312-4. The issue also included "Account of the Birth-Day Dresses" onpages 314-320.
ACCOUNT OF THE Ladies Dresses on his MAJESTY's Birth-Day.
[from page 314] The caps most worn were very high and narrow, chiefly white and coloured crapessuited to the dresses, and richly trimmed [from page 315] with blonde lace. The ornaments wereostrich and vulture feathers, and many ladies wore white beads.Portes Plumes were worn in a few head dresses. They are a pretty ornament of steel or brilliants tohold the feathers.
The hair was dressed with great neatness, neither preposterously large nor too small. The toupee wasin curls off the sides, with two drop curls.
The neck-kerchiefs were mostly whole, and trimmed with two rows of broad blond lace, neithermuch puffed nor very open, with broad tuckers. Round the waist was worn a narrow plaiting ofblond lace.
The ear-rings most in fashion were clump ear-rings, in the shape of a large button, of gold. Thisfashion was lately brought over from Paris by lady Duncannon. Others, which were likewise muchworn, by far the most becoming, were long ear-rings of ine fillagree work.
Necklaces.--The most fashionable consisted of two rows of beautiful gold fillagree work, the lowerrow to hang far down the bosom: The French call them esclavages, but in this they alludeto the natural bondage in which beauty holds mankind, and not the popular idea of enslavingsovereignty to emancipate the nation.
The fans were uncommonly elegant, of fine pierced ivory, painted with different devices, the sticksfastened at the top with a narrow ribband running through them.
July 1790

This issue contains "A new Pattern for working a Gown, Cloak, or Apron" and "A beautifulhistorical Picture of the Little Pleader." The latter is shown above. The seated woman is in morning dress with a cap on.
August 1790
This issue contains "A new Pattern for working a Cap, Bonnet,Cloak,&c."
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