The Baron Antoine-Jean Gros Portraits Page

Last Update 3/12/01
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Books on Baron Antoine-Jean Gros

  • Brunner, Manfred Heinrich. Antoine-Jean Gros: die Napoleonischen Historienbilder. Bonn: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat, 1979.
  • Chesneau, Ernest Alfred. Le peinture francaise au xixe siecle. Paris: Didier, 1862.
  • Courthion, Pierre. David, Ingres, Gros, Gericault. Geneve: Albert Skira, 1946.
  • Delestre, Jean Baptiste. Gros et ses ouvrges; ou memoires historiques sur la vie et les travaux de ce celebre artiste. Paris: J. Labitte, 1845.
  • Echerac, Arthur Auguste Mallebay du Cluseau. Le baron Gros. Paris: Librairie de l'Art, 1887.
  • Lemonnier, Henry. Gros, par Henry Lemonnier ... biographie critique, illustree de vingt-quatre reproductions hors texte. Paris: H. Laurens, 1928.
  • San Francisco Museum of Art. French Romantic Artists: An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Watercolors by Gros, Gericault, Delacroix, with Prints of the Romantic Period, April 19th through May 14th, 1939. San Francisco: Taylor & Taylor, 1939.
  • Prendergast, Christopher. Napoleon and History Painting: Antoine-Jean Gros's La Bataille d'Eylau. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997.

Links on Baron Antoine-Jean Gros

Links last checked 7/14/99

Portrait by Baron Antoine-Jean Gros

L'Imperatrice Josephine (1809) byAntoine -Jean Gros
Copyright held by Musee Massena

This famous portrait of Josephine in a shawl dress is one in which fashion outshines person. Josephine, perhaps like Princess Diana in our age, is the Regency world's great clothes-horse. She owned so many of the extremely expense shawls that they were inventoried by color. This costume here may not look like one of the world's most expensive gowns, but the price of cashmere shawls in the Napoleonic era was immense. The shawl dress is so expensive that a underdress is worn so the hem will not be damaged--no such lengthier underdress or petticoat is typically seen with velvet, satin, fur, and silver or gold tissue, the other luxury fabrics of the day. The dress is influenced by Greco-Roman modes as the shawls and ornaments on the sash and veil reveal. Compare with the V&A's historical shawl dress and Nancy Saputo's gorgeous stole of the Real Regency Clothing Page.

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