Visitors Since 15 September 2000 |
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Last Update 1 July 2003 PublicationsBurgess, C., Conley, P., Decker, C., & Devitto, Z. (2001). The Psychology Graduate Applicant's Portal. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 33, 263-266. Available in PDF format (1.0MB) Decker, Catherine H. "Women and Public Space in the Novel of the 1790s." In Women, Revolution, and the Novels of the 1790s. Ed. Linda Lang-Peralta. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1999. ---."Crossing Old Barriers: The WorldWideWeb, Academia, and the Romantic Novel." Romanticism On the Net 10 (May 1998): n. pag. Online. Internet. ---."Review of Janet Todd, The Works of Aphra Behn, Vols. I-IV." The Wordsworth Circle. 26.4 (Autumn 1995): 233-4.
Hypertext Syllabus of Restoration and British Literature [Taught at Cal State San Bernardino Spring 1997]
Hypertext Syllabus of British Women's Novels, 1782-1803 [Taught at Cal State San Bernardino Fall 1995]
British Women Novelists, 1777-1818
Contemporary Regency Romances, 1929+
European Journals Featuring Fashion Plates, 1770-1848
A Reading Guide for Frances Burney's Cecilia, 1782
A Reading Guide for Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel, 1905
A Reading Guide for Elizabeth von Arnim's The Enchanted April, 1922
A Reading Guide for Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse, 1927
A Reading Guide for C. J. Cherryh's Merchanter's Luck 1982
The Sights and Symbols of The Bean Trees
1998 The Undergraduate Neuroscience Program at UCR [now under new webmaster, but this link is basically the page I wrote--amazing!]
(1998) The Neuroscience Department and Program at UCR (Revision of Another's Work) [now gone forever--the department merged with cell biology and was totally rewritten and is under a new webmaster]
(1998) The Psychology Department at the University of California, Riverside (Revision of Another's Work) [now under new webmaster and heavily revised by others]
(1995-2003) Psycholinguistics & Computational Cognition Lab (Collaborative effort) [most of my older html is gone since the site got a major redesign some years ago, but some of the older images, link lists, or pages are my html work; there a very, very few things more recent]
[Recently (2003) I adapted a template design available to me as a software owner to create the web page]
Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, October 1994.
Master of Arts, The University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, October 1989.
Bachelor of Arts, La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA, May 1987.
Dissertation: By Women For Women: Female Issues in British Women's Novels, 1775-1815
Dissertation Director: Professor Paula Backscheider
Restoration and Eighteenth-Century British Literature
The British Novel to 1900
"Women and Public Space in the Novel of the 1790s" (Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Las Vegas, February, 2000)
"Shaping the Lady into a Breadwinner: The Working Woman in the British Novel, 1795-1820" (Apra Behn Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November, 1999)
"The Extension of Reason to Women: Late Eighteenth-Century British Women Novelists' Ambiguous Acceptance of Female Rationality" (Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, San Bernardino, February, 1999)
"Dueling Moral Codes in British Women's Novels (1778-1814)" (ASECS Conference, Notre Dame, April 1998).
"Ethics, Gender, and Public Space: Learning from the Novels of the 1790s." (2nd Annual Women's Research Conference, CSUSB, March 1998)
"Jane Austen and the Regency Lady." (Keynote Speaker, Lively Arts Historical Association, Jane Austen Evening, January 1998)
"Female Self-Treatment: Preventive Medical Regimes, Piety, and the Novels of Frances Burney, Elizabeth Hamilton, and Elizabeth Helme" (American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies Conference, Tuscon, April 1995)
"`Inhumane laws': the Promotion of Legal Separation in Late Eighteenth-Century Women's Novels" (Twentieth Annual Meeting of the South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Salt Lake City, March 1995)
"Women on the Streets: Prostitutes, Lunatics, and Transgressive Heroines in Late Eighteenth- Century Literature" (Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Irvine, February 1995)
"United in Sickness, Not in Health: Female Bonding in the Sickroom in Late Eighteenth- Century Women's Novels" (Fifth Annual Meeting of the Aphra Behn Society, Pasadena, October 1994)
"Who is Daniel Deronda?" (Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, April 1991)
"`Eloisa to Abelard': A Mystical Approach" (Northeast American Society for Eighteenth- Century Studies Conference, Hartford, November 1990)
"Wilde, Decadence, and Late Victorian Comedy" (Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, April 1990)
"Generations in Dialogue: A Structural Model of the Eighteenth-Century Gothic Novel" (Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, Worchester, October 1989)
"Women, Evil, and Art: Rhetorical Strategies in Thomson's Seasons" (University of Rochester Graduate Student Symposium, December 1988)
"`Wulf and Eadwacer': Two Names, One Man" (University of Rochester Graduate Student Symposium, December 1988)